Club Structure
An Executive Committee consisting of elected members, overseen by an executive made up of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, administer the
objectives of the Club.
The Executive Committee meets at least monthly and is responsible for the administration and future planning of the Club.
The board represents the interests of the entire club and is answerable to the club members at each AGM.
Executive Committee
President Rob Rende
Vice President Marina Borrello
Secretary David Gow
Treasurer Filomena Panfilo
Sponsorship Adrian Larkin
Grounds, Building Laurence Head
and Security Manager
General Member Peter Blanco
General Member Maree Roumeliotis
General Member Robert Farrell
General Member Stuart Paul
General Member Paul Kousiandas
Non-Executive Positions
Club Administration
Administration Officer Lewis Panfilo
Media Department
Media Manager Dimitri Peppas
Game Day MC Michael Guiffreda
Seniors Football Director Nik Kuzman
Technical Director Danny Graystone
Juniors Technical Director Adam Holmes
Juniors Co-Ordinator Maree Roumeliotis
MiniRoo Technical Director Ernie Luongo
Medical Staff
Doctor Dr Mario Soteriou
Senior Trainer Michael Broad
Physiotherapist Joseph Polisena
Physiotherapist Breanne Schultz
Physiotherapist Aidan Scipioni

A club can not succeed without the tireless help of volunteers. And we believe we have the best and some of the longest serving volunteers in the competition.
Although at times a thankless job, few men and women are still committed to giving and helping each day, each week.
Below are the names of some of our volunteers.
Nick Di Lorenzo
Maria Di Lorenzo
Rocky Carbone
Pino Condina
Vince Condina
Lilly Del Medico
Nick Del Medico
Mimi Duric
Pepe Gargulio
Sam Fedele
Deb Laoutaris
Dimitri Peppas
Michael Guiffreda
Maria Maccanico